Author Archives: Mohd Aun

Women on Corporate Boards

The Women on Corporate Boards (WCB) initiative is aimed at enhancing corporate governance by improving gender balance and increasing the number of women on boards. The Companies Act 2013 prescribes that there should be at least one woman director in … Continue reading

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Directors’ Forum

Directors’ Forum is a membership-based Forum promoted under the FICCI Centre for Corporate Governance. The Forum offers many levels of engagement to serving board members, executive and non-executive; in order to provide practical insights & knowledge, expertise and international perspective. … Continue reading

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About FICCI Centre for Corporate Governance

The FICCI Centre for Corporate Governance (FICCI CCG) is an independent, industry led and managed initiative contributing towards enhancing Corporate Governance practices and standards in India. The Centre has been promoted by FICCI with the support of industry for guiding, … Continue reading

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